A New Song International’s mission is to transform the lives of orphans and children living in poverty in the small town of Wobulenzi, Uganda. Our goal is not to “rescue” or save the people of Uganda but to draw alongside Happy Times Childcare Initiatives in a God-honoring partnership to better serve the children of Uganda with the understanding that both we and the Ugandan people have something of value to add to this partnership.

ANSI and Happy Times work together to provide food, medical care, an education, a nurturing family-like environment, and to build a self-sustaining infrastructure that will benefit not only the children of Happy Times but will provide assistance to the surrounding community as well.

We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We want be used by God to see lives change. We want to restore hope and joy. We want to provide a nurturing environment that allows our Happy Times children to heal from their pasts. To not only survive but to thrive. We want to share the love of God and disciple the children in their walk with Jesus. And we want to provide a safe, loving home where the children are encouraged to dream big dreams and become Uganda’s next doctors and nurses and teachers and social workers and small business owners who love their country and work toward blessing it.

This is what the redemption of God looks like. Taking what was lost and broken and making it new. Giving us a new song to sing.